Cali Press launch new Hot Lattes

News| 21st May 2024
Cali Press launch new Hot Lattes
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Introducing the irresistible Almond Mocha. If we had to sum it up in one word: INDULGENT. Dive into layers of rich cocoa, creamy almond butter, and a hint of sweet caramelisation that warms you up from the inside out.

The Peanut Butter Latte is the perfect hug in a cup. Indulge in creamy, nutty flavours with subtle hint of vanilla and cinnamon. 

Created for those chilly days, our Hot Lattes are your perfect companion, enriched with MCT oil to keep you energised without the crash. MCT also improves cognitive function, enhances performance and promotes better digestive health.

Plus, the new Hot Lattes at Cali Pres are refined sugar-free, packed with the nourishing goodness of nut butter's healthy fats and vitamins. Treat yourself to a sip of pure indulgence today.

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