Casual Leasing

Chatswood Chase Shopping Centre is keen to assist with the growth and development of your business and welcomes you to a number of sites within our shopping centre on a short-term basis. Casual Leasing provides you with an opportunity to put your product or service directly in front of thousands of potential customers.

Our Casual Leasing sites are located in high traffic thoroughfares to give you the best support for successful trade. We are able to provide you with ready to use kiosks which are free of charge on a short term basis.

Interested in Pop Up Retail at Chatswood Chase? Use this form to contact our Leasing Executive. Please fill in the details below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Type of Enquiry
Business Category

By using this form, you acknowledge that you have read and accept the Vicinity Leasing Enquiry Privacy Notice.Â